The mountainhome of Rhyming Occult-Palisade. Bred 19 to 146 dwarves over 39 years and 10ish days irl. Trained Hydra, killed 29 megabeasts, built half of a minecart ocean-jump platform for adventurers to get artifacts.
Following their ignoring or domiance over both cage traps and floodgates, a guest would be greeted by a squad sparring in open air.
Following that, they would stand on a cage trap as they see currently open artifact green glass grate, flanked by rutile bridges - controlled by the respective purple and green levers on this z-level.
Should this pass, they'll be slowed down by the Giant Tortoises on chains.
Nothing ever got so far as to descend in, though. The worst titans lie death on the beaches of tropical seas, the children eat the meat of dragons.
In the center, magma glass Furnace and kiln produce trade goods for the depot below.
And the western greater half-moon holds the hospital/jail area. Mist, statues, places to eat from, light tunnel tube beds...
While injuries in tavern brawls are not unheard of, many love to eat here. I would agree myself. Shades of White, Gray and primary color seem to mix well.
The ramps were initially intended for mining of minecart quarries. However, I concluded that it is better to import for what gold I need to mine. - Fleeting Frames
There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2018-01-17
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Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-12-03 to 42 Late Autumn
Nice tower, wish I could see it in 3D.
Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2017-08-08 to 42 Late Autumn
Beautiful fortress! Your writeup read like poetry. The moon design is evocative.
Also, it warms my heart that DF can occasionally confuse even the most knowledgeable of players.
Submitted by: Fleeting Frames - 2017-09-16 to 42 Late Autumn
Hey, Tharis, finally got that screenshot you asked for, thanks to mifki's 3dviewer
Here's an image of what the person leaving the fort via ocean-pult sees and a link to fort to scroll around in, until mifki takes it down.
Here's another screenshot of the tavern area
And thanks, Salmeuk. ^^;;
Confusion comes easy with forgetting, but I still see new things in DF everytime I spend a day on it.
[Message edited on 2017/09/16 at 11:14 by Fleeting Frames]
Submitted by: Tharis - 2018-01-17 to 42 Late Autumn
Oh cool! Thanks for showing it!
(speaking of belated responses)