The mountainhome of Rhyming Occult-Palisade. Bred 19 to 146 dwarves over 39 years and 10ish days irl. Trained Hydra, killed 29 megabeasts, built half of a minecart ocean-jump platform for adventurers to get artifacts.
I made some efficiency sacrifices in this fort's layout, with 5 workshops surrounding 6 staircases.
On this z-level, in counterclockwise order there are loom, butcher, tanner, leatherworker and clothier.
In the larger moon ring, the main element is sets of 10 beds with cabinet sparring area, controlled to be inside smallest box with doors placed only for the duration of room sizing - this fortress was built around the idea of everyone training in military. Truly, the dwarves became mighty. Perhaps the hardest skills to train were student and concentration, where I only have 1 legendary+1 at best, held by Duke Minkot Oslanoram. I know not who is the mightiest, but queen herself boasts level 29 armor user and 95 fighting, may she live long.
However, necessities be what they are, the north and south boxes were used for pairing people off instead. In both north and south, one can see one of the younger of third generation's playing. Their children won't ever know of a relation who was born in a time before time.
In the northeast, the hydra currently blinked out of sight - but they're chained and about to be executed. The area was formerly for animal training, and where dragon used to live.
In the southeast, there's bunch of empty coffins - Outpost liaison's corpse is only dwarf interred there. For some reason, the duke demanded a steel chest next to his artifact galena coffin.
Lot of artifact furniture and equipment in this fort - the military uses picks, and on this long timescale I found this to be quite the downside for most dwarven of weapons. - Fleeting Frames
There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2018-01-17
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Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-12-03 to 42 Late Autumn
Nice tower, wish I could see it in 3D.
Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2017-08-08 to 42 Late Autumn
Beautiful fortress! Your writeup read like poetry. The moon design is evocative.
Also, it warms my heart that DF can occasionally confuse even the most knowledgeable of players.
Submitted by: Fleeting Frames - 2017-09-16 to 42 Late Autumn
Hey, Tharis, finally got that screenshot you asked for, thanks to mifki's 3dviewer
Here's an image of what the person leaving the fort via ocean-pult sees and a link to fort to scroll around in, until mifki takes it down.
Here's another screenshot of the tavern area
And thanks, Salmeuk. ^^;;
Confusion comes easy with forgetting, but I still see new things in DF everytime I spend a day on it.
[Message edited on 2017/09/16 at 11:14 by Fleeting Frames]
Submitted by: Tharis - 2018-01-17 to 42 Late Autumn
Oh cool! Thanks for showing it!
(speaking of belated responses)