Latest iteration of Roadhouse
This is the main level of the fortress, holding the central walkway that circles around the magmafall. This level, along with the ones immediately above and below, hold the majority of the housing, with a few extras up to the dining level. It also holds the primary barracks, farming areas, and the trade depot, along with the mayor's and military commander's quarters/offices. Also the jail. The drawbridge to the right of the trade depot can be raised to seal off the entryway, as the second line of defence should hostile forces make it past the main entrance before that bridge can be raised. The dig designated area around the magmafall pump stack is what will eventually become the entrance to the caverns and further mining efforts. - Samoorai
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Roadhouse of Legend
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2016-10/samoorai-Roadhouse of Legend-region2-514-16397.fdf-map
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