Here be division by zero.
Without surprise, the accommodations for the populace had been fashioned with simple efficiency. Every dwarf deserved a bed, two cabinets, and two chests for their belongings. Only the queen was the exception. Everyone else, even the head manager, had one of these anonymous apartments.
Curiously, some ill-shaped rooms sat empty. At times, the door led to nowhere, opening on a solid wall. There, we could hear the rumble more fiercely than usual.
An idea struck.
"Who had the bedroom beyond this door?" I yelled out, pointing at one of those useless entryways. "Show yourself!"
A dirty, stout blacksmith came up the stairway. "'Twas my room once, aye. What are ye wishin' ta know?"
"What's there now?"
"That? Them's the pumps, my man. They bored the machinery straight through the quarters." - Shurikane
There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2016-09-20
Project Superbowl II - Part 1
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Submitted by: Fleeting Frames - 2016-09-18 to 615 Mid Spring
Looking at the world's biggest rain collector, it is easy to be overwhelmed indeed.
So for now, I'll ask: Where did you store the lakes while smoothing their beds?
Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2016-09-20 to 615 Mid Spring
Yeah, this is pretty cool. That whippit is the stuff of nightmares. .