My first aesthetically-designed fortress.
Armok Vision and Stonesense screenshots can be found here
Located in the Grand Central Hall
The Great Library of Reason:
Kanzudstettad Ritasmafol "Conventtax the Owl-chamber of Flukes" the diorite mechanism is in the lever, which controls the bridge leading to the adamantine spire. An artifact vault is located underneath the library.
Prison Cell:
North of the library is a prison cell. This one's never been used. The used ones were converted into nobles' rooms when the king came (but don't tell them that.)
Baroness's Quarters:
South of the library is a foreign baroness's room. Domas Kokebrigoth, baroness of Pageworlds. She used to be a temple performer before she inherited the position. This will have to do in lieu of a proper baron. She mandated a single glass window, which was put in the room. Ginonngumrash "The Stern Sickness" the ashen bed is here. The room was converted from a prison cell that was never used.
- bumber
There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2016-07-11
Motaval "Strangelove"
No related entries found.
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but you will need the .NET version of
SL's DF Map Compressor
to convert to the .PNG image format.
Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2016-07-11 to 144 Mid Summer
I like this, especially that magma moat slightly below the surface, the grass looks awesome in contrast.
I see this is your first upload. I hope you share more in the future, you have an interesting style.
[Message edited on 2016/07/11 at 09:39 by Salmeuk]