Bannerheat - 107 Early Winter by Salmeuk

Map Description:

59 Dwarfs and things are calm.

Point of Interest: Dead Engineer

He just had to step past the final tile of sewer, at the same exact time that the miner happened to be mining it out. The water forced him over the edge and his leg bones shattered at the force of the fall. His boulder (his precious fucking boulder, which he was apparently destined to haul to some stockpile or another) crushed his foot. The water was too quick and now he's submerged underneath the slowly-filling cylinder of water, asphyxiated and cold and quite dead.. - Salmeuk

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2016-02-01

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Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-02-01 to 108 Mid Spring

No fort is complete without a magma disaster.

Nice waterworks. Brave to make them from a non-enclosed pool of water. How'd the mechanic get stuck in there?

Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2016-02-01 to 108 Mid Spring

read year 107, that's not a mechanic but my legendary Siege Engineer. Well, he was only legendary for about a week before deciding to haul one particularly important alunite boulder, and through a rather dwarvenly set of events found himself with a pair of broken legs at the bottom of a 4 z-level waterfall with no way out (the exit staircase you see was hastily designated but wasn't finished before he drowned).

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