A succession fort I'm running with Salmeuk. In my careful hands, we've gone from ~45 to 5 dorfs.
But at least things are stable now.
Story in the POIs.
Thob was the first casualty here. We hadn't prepared a proper crypt, but Vucar decided one had to be made pronto, thoguht it was shameful to leave a body out so long. *dry chuckle* So we dug this one out of the stone even before the bedrooms were started, smoothed and engraved. Nicest room in the fort at the moment.
They even engraved a nice picture of him being eaten by a monitor lizard. You have to appreciate that kind of attention to detail. - Tharis
There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2016-01-25
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Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-01-25 to 755 Early Spring
Thanks for the warning. :)