Scaldrings - 127 Early Spring by apparentbliss

Map Description:

Two years in on another attempt to tightly pack a fortress into as few z-levels as possible with excessive use of quantum stockpiles.

Point of Interest: Magma Hauling

( 127 Early Spring → 127 Early Spring )

The magma-tiles used to power the Ironworks in this fort were filled using magma-safe minecart hauling, as proposed by Sylth01 in this Reddit thread: .

One comment of particular importance is that you need your bucket brigade to drop water from at least 2 z-levels up; if you only drop from the level one above, the magma will not turn into obsidian. - apparentbliss

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You can download the compressed map file: 2015-06/apparentbliss-Scaldrings-region3-127-67.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
