Whisperswhips - 137 Late Spring by Taupe

Map Description:

Whisperwhip has survived 40 years!

The fortress now has a single goal: killing as many forgotten beasts as possible. The population is dwindling, and the wealth is sky-rocketing, making each individual dwarf much, much richer with each disaster...

(Points of interest are limited to new/large/important areas as of today. I assume you guys can locate where the bedrooms are by now...)

Point of Interest: HAVEN

HAVEN is a resting area for miners deep into the earth. It is carved amidst emerald and rose quartz, and mostly made of native silver. The furnitures are all made of richly decorated, top quality silver, making it the fanciest and least used place in the fort.

for these reasons, HAVEN is before anything else a place where the tantruming dwarves are sent to chill out and regain happiness, isolated from their peers. - Taupe

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2015-06-07

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Submitted by: Half Bob Manu - 2014-11-15 to 113 Early Spring

i like it ! i wonder what the queen thinks of the dumpatorium...

Submitted by: ajr_ - 2015-05-04 to 127 Late Spring

Yes, the fortress gets to its full potential underground.

Submitted by: qorthos - 2015-05-16 to 127 Late Spring

One of the best maps this site has seen in a long time...

Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2015-06-07 to 127 Late Spring

I like that arena, it feels like a real place. I can just see it in my head, this gloomy pit filled with the brutalized corpses of all sorts of beast and creature.

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You can download the compressed map file: 2015-06/taupe-Whisperwhip_dfma_137.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
