Fountainnotch - 136 Early Winter by Tharis

Map Description:

Breaking my old pattern of narrative fortresses, I decided to wait until I had something that felt like it'd reached a finishing point. Eleven years in, I think I've reached such a point.

Behold, Fountainnotch, home to the Squashed Gem, duchy of the Puce Arch. Terror of the Torment of Freckles, friend to the Nation of Fangs, tolerant of the Bold Gale. Breeder of cougars, mountain of stoneware, home to the famed Atis Glowdiamond the Eternal Pine of Earth.

Pop: 206
Created Wealth: 2,895,304
Imported Wealth: 407718
Exported Wealth: 36628

Details in POIs...

Point of Interest: 25 Memories

And here's the final resting place of our dead. And yeah. 130. What a year...

You can see the story here, the string of monuments to the vampire's victims, a few folks who fell in the construction of the Clay Dome, and we think it was the the death of Endok Rulatis in 129 that started things off, he was killed by a Giant Olm./ Someone else killed the olm but...I'll have to do more research, but it was shortly after that that everything went crazy. A year of madness, it took so long, but it was only a year. And all that remained was the old mayor, about 20 kids, and me.

You can still see the kids, the ones with the haunted look. My daughter is one, thankfully my son was born a year after, last memory of my beloved husband Olon. Nobody knows what happened to him, but it happened in 130. And I was walking around. Likot just followed me around. She's handled herself well, I look forward to training her in a weapon someday.

We had a tomb for the baron, but no idea where his body went either. That brass coffin lies empty.

We've had to carve so many slabs over the years, and so many coffins. I had to do the first myself, and then migrants showed up. Marvelous! There was plenty of food and booze, so we sealed ourselves in and devoted a full year or two to burying the dead. One little siege in the meantime, killed one axedawrf. I remember pounding on their heads with my copper axe, Reveredglaze. It's killed 14 dwarves and five goblins.

That time the child ran up to me, murder in its eyes, I had to chop its head off. Poor thing. Maybe I'll engrave a slab and see who it was, I can't remember.

But those times are past, and we've rebuilt and moved on. And they've elected me every year since the vampire died, and we've done well for ourselves. We may attract a king someday, I'd like to meet King Kivish and his consort, the Fisherdwarf Sarvesh Cogzugob, but I don't think I want to give up my authority here just yet. There's still a lot of work to do. - Tharis

There are 7 comments for this map series, last post 2014-10-12

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Submitted by: grisha5 - 2014-09-12 to 136 Early Winter

hi :)

Submitted by: Tharis - 2014-09-13 to 136 Early Winter


Submitted by: Sorg - 2014-09-14 to 136 Early Winter

How much FPS do you have in DF2014 with 200+ dwarves?

Submitted by: Tharis - 2014-09-15 to 136 Early Winter

It was running kind of slow but not horribly. I'll have to start it up and check, I don't usually leave that feature on.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2014-09-15 to 136 Early Winter

Currently it's at 16 (16.) I have a pretty decent computer, I think.

Submitted by: grisha5 - 2014-10-08 to 136 Early Winter

will you update this map?

Submitted by: Tharis - 2014-10-12 to 136 Early Winter

Don't expect to. It felt finished, so I retired and haven't picked up a new one.

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You can download the compressed map file: 2014-09/tharis-Fountainnotch-region1-136-32297.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
