Valleylined - 618 Late Winter by CSFF

Map Description:

Valleylined is a fortress in a relatively pleasant valley which straddles two different biomes. Founded by The Bearded Avalanche in 612, it became the capital of its parent civilization, The Contested Tongs, in 618. Its chief export are rock and shell crafts, and main imports are any weapons and metal it can get its collective hands on. The lands of Valleylined are rich in lead, copper, and silver, but lack iron or coal.

The fort seems to be of no interest to the goblins which inhabit the lands on the other side of the mountain range from Valleylined, and the goblin settlements closer to the fort are firmly in control of a human civilization. As a result, military-wise, Valleylined only has to worry about kobolds and the occassional forgotten beast which decides to come up from the deep. This allowed its inhabitants to make extensive use of the outdoor areas of the lands.

Point of Interest: Minecart and storage level

Most of the trackstops on this level are unused, but some are used for delivery of raw material from the surface. The stockpiles are close to and above their respective workshops, and are accessible by ramps. - CSFF

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2014-08-16

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Submitted by: Tharis - 2014-08-15 to 618 Late Winter

I like the entrance ramp.

Submitted by: ajr_ - 2014-08-16 to 618 Late Winter

A road leading to nowhere what is this my friend?

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