Afteropen of ale - 1056 Mid Spring by SL

Map Description:

This is my version of the first CFC GOTM. I was attempting to flood the world with magma. It's working, except that Dwarf Fortress is crashing. :(

Point of Interest: Infinite Magma Generator (Veryinky's design)

( 1056 Mid Spring → onwards )

This contraption generates the magma needed to flood the world. The squiggley tiles of each pump are the walkable tiles, which are on the side they pump from. The leftmost bottom pump pumps from the west, from the magma vent, to the east. The pump to its east pumps from the west to the east, and the pump above it pumps from the east to the west. The magma is spat out to the east on the middle level and circles around back to where there was an enclosed air pocket above the vent. It is filled with magma now. The structure above the pumps is a tower which supplies power to them. - SL

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2008-02/sl-Afteropen of Ale-cfcgotm1-1056-6557.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
