Just dug out the basic survival fort. Next step is to see how far down I want to carve off the perimeter cliff and start laying out the larger fortress.
This is my standard lay out for workshops. Circles are prettier than squares. I'm going to resist the temptation to do every workshop on this layout. - Tharis
There are 8 comments for this map series, last post 2014-05-04
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Submitted by: Carl - 2014-04-22 to 6 Early Summer
Really like your fort design!
Submitted by: Tharis - 2014-04-24 to 6 Early Summer
Thank you! Now you've motivated me to post a 4-ingame-years-later update! Watch this space... ;)
Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2014-04-25 to 11 Early Spring
ha, I like the tunnel that the invaders get to crawl around. It seems fitting to force em to crawl around huge cliffs and tight spaces, just to be chopped in two with an axe trap.
Keep using the environment as inspiration for your fortress structure - not only is it aesthetically pleasing but highly efficient, too! You're much better at it than most people.
Submitted by: Tharis - 2014-04-26 to 11 Early Spring
Thanks! I'm flattered. It's still building out a bit. I'll post another update before too long.
Submitted by: ajr_ - 2014-05-02 to 14 Early Winter
There's something symphatetic about the archery range, but I don't like your low ceiling wide stockpile halls. It's crafting in progress I know, but still... quickfort has been invented.
Edit: some spelling and addition
The important parts, quarters and work places are magnificently designed. Like how the dining hall is constructed in two layers and the quarters are in symmetric patterns. Their small size can be compensated by crafting gem encrusted furniture like beds and cabinets.
[Message edited on 2014/05/02 at 11:29 by ajr_]
[Message edited on 2014/05/02 at 11:29 by ajr_]
Submitted by: Tharis - 2014-05-02 to 14 Early Winter
True. I think it's partly that the stockpiles annoy me, especially the clothing stockpiles. I've noticed that I get swamped with clothes, then build out to accommodate the goblin garbage, and then suddenly the bins kick in and the whole room is empty. I should probably figure out that trick for separating the goblin garb from the manufactured garb.
Submitted by: ajr_ - 2014-05-04 to 14 Early Winter
You could just throw the garbage down to forgotten beasts eh?
use d(esignations) [b] menu to mass forbid and check your [o]rders so that dwarves don't gather
[Message edited on 2014/05/04 at 04:38 by [b]ajr_]
[Message edited on 2014/05/04 at 04:38 by ajr_]
Submitted by: Tharis - 2014-05-04 to 14 Early Winter
I also don't like leaving heaps of crap outside. I think ideally I'd position a particular stockpile to collect all of it and then drop it all down the volcano.