This is the start of the third year of ChannelledSkunk. What started as an accidental embark has led to my favorite ongoing fortress. Right now, the population is at around 71 dwarfs, with 110000 created wealth.
I exported the game map right as my inexperienced and ill-equipped militia was about to fight a squad of axe-goblins. You can see the results in the accompanying video on my profile, or just go to this link:
Fairly compact design that still proves extremely inefficient, but I like it that way. Gets everything done that needs to be, so far. The harvested plants are kept out of barrels because I like visual representations of my food stock. And really, farming is already too easy, so I might as well feed the hamsters. - Salmeuk
There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2014-05-01
SHIFT + Key doubles keyboard scroll rate.
Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file:
but you will need the .NET version of
SL's DF Map Compressor
to convert to the .PNG image format.
Submitted by: ajr_ - 2014-05-01 to 10 Mid Autumn
I used to be an ascii player too. Then I tried a few graphic sets inspired by first ultragear and dorten's fortresses, then I created Cloisterpillars
Submitted by: Tharis - 2014-05-01 to 10 Mid Autumn
I like the twisty tunnels.