Watchdiamonds - 211 Early Autumn by mounf

Map Description:

Year 10 of watchdiamonds. An attempt to build an outdoor fortress by carving it out of the side of a cliff.

Currently the dining hall, glassmakers and metalworkers guilds are in use. Work is on-going to move food production and then all remaining storage and industry out of the temporary fort so excavation can begin to expose the main fort.

Point of Interest: Glass makers guild

The furnace hall of the glass makers guild. Below this are the store rooms for sand, the sand mining room and storage for pearlash and rock crystal. Once dug out many of the smooth walls will be replaced with clear glass. - mounf

There are 6 comments for this map series, last post 2014-03-09

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Submitted by: manu - 2013-12-03 to 215 Early Autumn

Wow this i s gigantic !! good idea to build a bridge to protect the fortification !! brilliant work.. how old is you fortress ?

Submitted by: mounf - 2014-01-10 to 221 Late Summer

It's now 21 years old (started in year 200). Thanks, I can't remember where I came across the use of bridges to protect Marksdwarves, but given the amount of damage a couple of elite missile goblins can do it's proven very useful in the past!

Submitted by: ajr_ - 2014-01-27 to 225 Mid Autumn

The colors are great

Submitted by: ajr_ - 2014-01-28 to 225 Mid Autumn

Are those dining tables clear glass?

Submitted by: mounf - 2014-01-30 to 225 Mid Autumn

Yes, Clear glass dining tables and silver chairs.

Submitted by: ajr_ - 2014-03-09 to 231 Early Summer

I like how the trap walkway reduces into supports the further down you go.

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