Thundergoats, a lakeside mountain fortress. Home to forty childless dwarves who have so far barely managed to put up a wall and moat after 3 sieges and a handful of assorted tragic deaths.
Stone! Ore! Gems! It's also serving as a wood stockpile since the cavern is right above here. - Noble Digger
There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2012-11-27
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Submitted by: Noble Digger - 2012-11-27 to 16 Early Autumn
This map unfortunately started having an unexplained pathing problem where random, specific dwarves could not locate the food stockpile and would starve to death after sending 4-500 job cancellation notices for trying to find the food. These dwarves were healthy, ambulatory, and standing right outside the food stockpile that everyone else could find without any problems. I chalked it up to a bug (which appears to already be reported in the tracker) and moved on to a new fort in a similar location... Upload later tonight.