Deeplabored - 135 Late Winter by grimmr

Point of Interest: Sunken Gardens

( 135 Late Winter → onwards )

The Sunken Gardens are a chunk of the surface I dropped 15 z-levels as an experiment, to see if I could grow aboveground plants in stone layers. It worked, but the only thing that will grow is bubble bulbs and nondescript grass. Oddly, it also caused the ice on the piece of land to be eternally frozen. - grimmr

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2012-02-25

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Submitted by: Brewster - 2012-02-24 to 108 Early Spring

How do you only have a population of 30? I can get waves of 30 sometimes...

Submitted by: lacer-forgot-his-password - 2012-02-25 to 108 Early Spring

I love circles. Nice fort.

Brewster, he says in the post that he turned off migrants.

Submitted by: Warrior - 2012-02-25 to 108 Early Spring

This fort is very nice! The vault idea is a very good idea too. I'm going to do it in my fortress to ensure artifacts are there for my adventurer ^^

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2012-03/grimmr-Deeplabored-region1-135-40098.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
