Bronzebloods - 1052 Early Autumn by Gaulgath

Map Description:

Gods have mercy on our souls! We arrived in this lush area more than a year ago. The trees were plentiful and the ponds yielded many fish. We even struck more limestone than we would ever need for steel. It was our dream that this would easily turn into a mighty, populous stronghold to withstand the test of time.

The hippos turned that dream into a nightmare.

Our original party was attacked by them leaving just two dwarves. Then it was the migrants who were loitering around the wagon who also met a gruesome fate by the gray menace, Tamehames!

Now he loiters around our entrance. We could not make crafts for the traders because of this great loss, and now we must brave the dry season with our current supplies.

Point of Interest: Scorched Earth

The firemen, normally dormant, decided it was a good time to jump out and start making dwarf barbecues. One fish cleaner was roasted while the other escaped back into the safety of our fort. - Gaulgath

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2008-01-12

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Submitted by: Luckymoose - 2008-01-12 to 1052 Early Autumn

So many hippos. You will never make it out alive.

Submitted by: Gaulgath - 2008-01-12 to 1052 Early Autumn

As a matter of fact my friend, I didn't. A fire imp popped out and killed several drinking dwarves. The last dwarf went insane and thirsted to death.

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