Coldbridges - 131 Early Summer by Urist McDiggyHole

Point of Interest: Dumping Tunnel

I had come across the problem of having too many Gobbys in cage traps clogging up my stockpile, and had came to the conclusion i had to do something about it. Initialy i built a large tower to chuck the Gobbys off, but htat didnt work. (Check the Relevant POI)

So, after a tip from a friend, i made this tunnel leading to a platform i built over a Magma pipe, and started chucking the Gobbos into it. So far, it appears to be working, and it has already eater about a dozen trolls and giant toads.

Pictured is the next batch of goblin Spearmen, Crossbowmen and Pikemen being marched down to the platform for execution. - Urist McDiggyHole

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2011-07-12

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Submitted by: Cei - 2011-07-06 to 131 Early Summer

Awesome above ground farm. Good fort that gives me a few ideas to use in my own forts. Keep up the good work!

Submitted by: Urist McDiggyHole - 2011-07-06 to 131 Early Summer

Thanks for the comment, but i didnt think that my fort was anything special in the first place. The only reason its built like it is, is for the nearby goblin encampments. You can tell how many gobbos i have caught by checking the stockpile floor, and the POI called "Dumping Tunnel"

Submitted by: Serio - 2011-07-08 to 131 Early Summer

I quite like the above ground farm too.

Submitted by: Urist McDiggyHole - 2011-07-12 to 131 Early Summer


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