Palacebrother - 128 Mid Winter by apparentbliss

Map Description:

Central-square fortress design; actually bothered to train a few military this time. Starting to get a little bogged down by FPS.

.31.19 - Phoebus Tiles

Point of Interest: Dining (Not So Grand)

What better to please dwarves than doors that go nowhere, weapon traps proudly displaying two separate artifact picks, and an artifact ashen statue?

In recent forts I have been setting my meeting area above-ground to avoid cave adaptation, but it does not feel very dwarfy to me. In future forts I think I'll revert to my grand dining/meeting area, deep underground where it should be. - apparentbliss

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You can download the compressed map file: 2011-03/apparentbliss-Palacebrother-region1-128-34887.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
