Roadhouse - 1077 Late Spring by Samoorai

Map Description:

The fortress itself is an epic megaproject of my own design. 26 years (in game) of digging, smoothing, and building has resulted in this masterpiece of design, all carved from living rock (meaning I designed the entire thing right after my starting dwarves arrived). It houses over 300 dwarves in total self sufficiency, but the crowning achievement is the central magmafall which was only just completed.

THIS, is true Dwarven design!

Point of Interest: Hospital/Pineapple Level

The hospital has constant fresh water (except when the flow stops mid-winter) and has room for a lot of casualties. The main point though is that this level (once I outfit it properly) will be the last place of refuge if everything goes completely wrong. I haven't built them yet (due to laziness) but there will be drawbridges to block stairwell and central area access, as well as dorm bedrooms (top and bottom rooms) and a backup barracks for training a new military from the survivors (east rooms). - Samoorai

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2010-11-25

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Submitted by: McDolomite - 2010-11-12 to 1077 Late Spring

Just awesome!

Submitted by: hyndis - 2010-11-23 to 1077 Late Spring

Looks great! I'm impressed by the huge, empty, vertical shaft leading down to the magma at the bottom.
Do you have a mechanism to drain the magma at the bottom in case you need to recover something that falls into the magma?
Also I would suggest a slightly different entrance design. The trade depot is find where it is, but the farms seem a bit unusually placed. The marksdwarf bunkers are great, leave those but carve fortifications, that way anything trying to invade will be caught in a brutal crossfire. Then have a barracks on the walkway about where the gold bridges are where on duty dwarves can hang out to catch any stealthers.

Submitted by: lesmurf - 2010-11-23 to 1077 Late Spring

This, dear Sir, is truly epic! I wish I had a computer that could support a fortress of that size...

Submitted by: Samoorai - 2010-11-25 to 1077 Late Spring

hyndis - Yes, the red lever on the primary level opens two hatches on the bottom level, draining the magma into the cavern.
Because the farms are where they are, they're easily expandable. If I need more farm space, I just dig out the top and bottom walls and place the hatches for the irrigation system 1 level down.
I have two war dogs chained up on the surface for stealthers.

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You can download the compressed map file: 2010-11/samoorai-Roadhouse-region1-1077-8557.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
