Halltraded - 319 Early Spring by Di

Map Description:

The map at the end of Di's turn.

Point of Interest: Trash compactor 3

( 319 Early Spring → 340 Mid Summer )

Little trash compactor.
Was intended to be used in sealed villa.
After the villa was breached it became easier to use magma. (Check the bridge for dump zones)
- Di

There are 11 comments for this map series, last post 2009-06-24

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Submitted by: Ambivalence - 2008-10-14 to 304 Early Spring

I like your "off switch" for the magma (assuming that giant water tower does what it looks like it does!)

Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-10-15 to 304 Early Spring

That's a damn impressive dam.

Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-11-15 to 305 Early Spring

Quite a river you have there.

Submitted by: Christes - 2008-12-07 to 305 Late Summer

"I like your "off switch" for the magma (assuming that giant water tower does what it looks like it does!)"

Yeah. I built the tower because I was bored and wanted to try out that design and Keldor came up with a brilliant use for it.

Submitted by: Maggarg - 2008-12-13 to 306 Early Spring

I blame binge sobriety for the riots.

Submitted by: BlakeKoris - 2009-03-08 to 308 Early Spring

It's sad, but I really do think we'll need that bunker.

Submitted by: ClsfdKidd - 2009-03-08 to 308 Early Spring

That river is slightly epic. How in the world did you cut the ground next to the map edge? I thought that was impossible...

Submitted by: BlakeKoris - 2009-03-09 to 308 Early Spring

"That river is slightly epic. How in the world did you cut the ground next to the map edge? I thought that was impossible..."

It is. we just drained it, nothing else.

Submitted by: Christes - 2009-06-06 to 305 Late Summer

"It's sad, but I really do think we'll need that bunker."

Thy prediction hath proven sage.

Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-06-08 to 308 Early Spring

Needs some PoIs ... what are you planning with the drained river?

Submitted by: Christes - 2009-06-24 to 306 Late Winter

"Needs some PoIs ... what are you planning with the drained river?"

1) 306 late winter has some PoIs

2) Nothing planned with the river at the moment. It was drained to remove the danger of undead fish.

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