Gateblows - 1051 Early Autumn by Chthon

Map Description:

Well we made it through the summer without a werewolf.

However Ast the brewer got upset and picked a fight with Kreiger the miner by the waterfall. Ast the brewer felt better after, but he had pushed his friend over the waterfall's edge to his death.

With the death count rising to 3 now, the dwarves start to push deeper into the mountain seeking safety. But will they find it?

Point of Interest: Immigration

9 Dwarves arrived with tools and skills to assist with the fortress.

1 High Master Miner
1 Adequate Butcher (assigned as new Chief Medical Dwarf)
Set as Bookkeeper and Manager
1 Dabbling Tanner (assistant to Doctor)
1 Talented Weaponsmith
Currently working at making arms and armor for the Lumberjacks
1 Novice Axedwarf/Competent Jeweler(both)
Will be assisting the lumberjack
1 Competent Craftsdwarf (at all but clothier)
Currently churning out crafts to help with trading
1 Peasant who's learning to mine as we speak
1 Fisherdwarf who's busy trying to catch us all food
1 Novice Weaver Who will be hauling until I find room for a loom. Then he'll be collecting webs and turning them into cloth. - Chthon

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2010-08-18

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Submitted by: Moodcarver - 2010-08-10 to 1051 Early Spring

I forgot my long underwear. Abandon fortress.

Submitted by: Chthon - 2010-08-10 to 1051 Early Autumn

I'm running a Let's Play of this on here and in the channel LetsplayDF. Please feel free to drop on by and leave requests. If I'm on I'll be happy to try to grant them. If not then hopefully I'll see them when I get back.

Submitted by: Markavian` - 2010-08-17 to 1054 Early Winter

Good to know werewolves can be defeated...

Submitted by: Chthon - 2010-08-18 to 1055 Early Spring

It would be fun to know that dwarves that get bitten and survive would turn into werewolves themselves too, but I guess that'll have to come later with disease and magic.

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You can download the compressed map file: 2010-08/chthon-Gateblows-region5-1051-20168.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
