Fortress being remade entirely out of Obsidian.
It features an automated Obsidian Factory (uses memory logic circuit and a Mist Generator ( Thanks guys who gave me ideas! :D
This is the room where mist is being generated. It is assigned as a meting area. - Thorinair
There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2010-08-02
Obsidian Halls
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but you will need the .NET version of
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to convert to the .PNG image format.
Submitted by: belannaer - 2010-08-02 to 64 Early Winter
I like the fortress a lot but I have a suggestion regarding the mist generator. Instead of having one at the meeting area why not build one into your dining room as well? You can place statues under the holes where the water would go down to prevent any dwarves from getting muddy and from cancelling their jobs. As an added bonus you get statues (made of high value materials and jewel encrusted!) into the dining room and naturally mist too. This will make anyone dining in the room so happy that he doesn't matter if rest of the fortress gets slaughtered.