Oceangears - 1051 Early Spring by Markavian

Map Description:

Oceangears, the first fort in the regenerated seed world (25001) of Koloborid Alu. This time I'm using veryinky's clothes mod, which removes all cloth clothing but leaves in armour. I've chosen a site by the sea with several salt water marshes and a double layer aquifer. I've brought plenty of wood (212 logs), meat, fish and alcohol. No anvil, 10 dogs.

Point of Interest: Starting Wagon

Next to the river inlet at the bottom of the muddy cliffs, the dwarves stop and decide "its time to build". Many great engineering tasks lays before them. - Markavian

There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2007-12-16

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Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-12-16 to 1051 Early Spring

YE GODS. The aquifer is a damn pain. I dug right through it after finding a spot of mineral deposits that punched through what I thought was both layers, but wet tiles were everywhere and all of them wanted to flood. Although I got down 16 layers to the bottom of the map I found it impossible to expand.

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