Deeptowers - 1052 Early Winter by Tyrving

Map Description:

Behold, Tholurdim, erm, mark 2? That fey hunter... didn't go so well. In fact, he kinda sorta made pincushions out of half a dozen dwarves before he got brought down. Things went downhill from there, and, well... losing IS pretty fun.

But I liked this location, and this design, too much to let it die in it's second year. So, here we are again!

Tholurdim Mrk.2 Summary
- population: 52. 32 dorfs, 20 animals.
- net worth: 175k monies. about 60k of that is artifacts.
- two successful moods so far, one fey, one possession, neither very interesting.
- three legendary dorfs, two miners and an engraver.
- no stupid giant stone pile outside. I think I'll use that area for animals, to help with the traffic inside the fort.

Point of Interest: Dining Hall

( 1052 Early Winter → 1055 Early Autumn )

Ahh, the work of a legendary engraver. Took him maybe a month to smooth out the entire thing, bringing it's value from Grand to Royal. Once I get some statues in and the stone out, it'll look FANTASTIC.

I plan to have half the chairs and tables flint, and the other half granite, for a (hopefully) pleasing white/black effect. - Tyrving

There are 10 comments for this map series, last post 2008-01-10

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Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-12-06 to 1052 Mid Summer

I like the central hall, but what's the big stockpile outside used for? Its kind of funny how the brook starts just on the edge of the map but doesn't quite reach the ocean. What's up on the surface? No trees?

Submitted by: Tyrving - 2007-12-08 to 1052 Mid Summer

No trees at all, something I didn't pay enough attention to on embark. That giant pile is for getting some of the stone out of the fort. The fey hunter went berserk and made pincushions out of about 5 dwarves before running out of bolts, and set off a chain of berserkers that left me with less than half a dozen dwarfs, all miserable. Sadly, I had to abandon.

Submitted by: Markavian` - 2007-12-12 to 1052 Early Winter

That -is- a cool dining room, good work :)

Submitted by: Tyrving - 2007-12-13 to 1052 Early Winter

Thanks! I'm considering having my engraver engrave the pillars, but he sort of scares me... ultra-mighty, perfectly agile and incredibly tough from half a year of non-stop smoothing... if any his works got defaced, things would get ugly.

Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-12-13 to 1052 Mid Winter

If you're going to make it an underground resevoir, make it bigger :) - water flows really fast. I've found it best to use floodgates blocking channels, then have water pumps turned on constantly; that way you can be pumping water without flooding anything, then you can use floodgates to let water through. If you use two floodgates a certain distance apart, you can create an 'airlock' system which only lets a certain amount of water into your fort. - Just some ideas, I'm still learning as well.

Submitted by: Tyrving - 2007-12-14 to 1052 Mid Winter

Alright, I doubled both reservoirs in size, and am in the process of digging them out... I think I'll wait until the next version to proceed, since every second tile dug out drops a dwarf down a level.

Submitted by: Grantyman - 2007-12-16 to 1052 Mid Winter

Really nice bedroom design!

Submitted by: Tyrving - 2007-12-16 to 1052 Mid Winter

Thanks! It's not my own design, I got it off of the archive of the wiki. Raynard's whirlpool design.

Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-12-18 to 1052 Mid Winter

I just realised, your tileset is tiny! Not quite micro, but pretty small. Don't see many people using it. I just noticed the bedroom layout as well, it does look good.

Submitted by: Tyrving - 2008-01-10 to 1054 Late Spring

I actually use a very slightly modified (no more than a dozen pixels) version of Lord Nightmare's IBM set (, though I have it twice as large when I'm playing. It gives the whole game a nice retro feel to it.

[Message edited on 2008/01/10 at 08:18 by Tyrving]

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