Whipgilt - 1052 Late Summer by apparentbliss

Map Description:

A year and a half in ... and I haven't bothered to even begin training, equipping, or assigning a military. Then -- an ambush! Curse them! A human caravan happened to be docked at the fort, but the gobbos overran them pretty quickly. I thought I would take this opportunity to capture a new fortress before it descended totally into "fun."

Point of Interest: Goblin Highway

This embark location is directly adjacent to a goblin tower, and thus falls on the road/tunnel leading out of it. I haven't breached its perimeter yet, to my knowledge, so I have no idea what consequences, if any, that carries.

The seed for this location comes from the following forum thread: http://www.bay12games.com/forum/index.php?topic=53603.0 . - apparentbliss

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