Stormcraft - 1052 Early Spring by Markavian

Map Description:

The dwarves have survived their first year. Construction underground is progress well, and the ranks have swelled to a productive 13. Traders brought the fort's first anvil and supplies of food that have been cooked up.

The kitchens are having a bit of trouble with drink wastage. It seems the cooks are cluttering the place up with pools of beer and wine, which so-far has gone to waste as workshops are being moved around.

The main spiral is structurally complete, but requires smoothing and some scaffolding, as well as paving on the surface. The farms are being extended and traps are being constructed to protect the fort from danger.

Point of Interest: Brewing Room

Looks a bit of a mess right now, but this room where all the variety of plants are brought to fuel the dwarves' primary needs. - Markavian

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2010-04-10

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Submitted by: Retro - 2010-04-05 to 1052 Early Spring

I see things are progressing nicely here... hehe, I just realized your trade depot room is basically overlooking the caves. Knock down the walls and install some windows? :P

Submitted by: Markavian - 2010-04-06 to 1052 Early Spring

I guess that's the next step, yeup, currently I'm running around trying keep everyone busy and fed. I want to replace the mud wall layers with stone foundations before I dig too deep.

Submitted by: Tarran - 2010-04-10 to 1052 Early Winter

Wait, so I'm not the only one with a Trogoldyte problem?

This calls for magma.

Also, are you going to smooth your floors, or are you going to just leave them like that?

Submitted by: Markavian` - 2010-04-10 to 1052 Early Winter

Usually I don't smooth floors until I need to increase the value of the fort. Keeps the average value of rooms down as well.

Just had my military go beserk on me after starving themselves to death, thinking about restarting to try some new designs.

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