Tunnelwound - 89 Mid Winter by Untelligent

Map Description:

The 39th year of the fortress of Tunnelwound. I'm pretty much done with it now. See Points of Interest for stuff and stuff.

Point of Interest: The High Plaza

The Queen's courtyard is on the plateau at the top of the Great Mountain. This point is inside my artifact vault oh my god who put those bins there I coulda sworn I turned off bins for this place. Ah well. On that subject, one of my masons just finished the fort's eightieth and final artifact, Worriedlobster the Abatement of Crafting, a Sphalerite Millstone. My first artifact was Triflelobster the Uranium Warhammer, so I guess I've come full circle now.

That thing to the left surrounded by red windows is a totem made from the skull of Chillbreach the Arcane Dragon. After eating a couple of my dwarves in the first winter, Chillbreach was slain by Vabok Ralrigoth the Bold by a pick through the skull.

Above this plaza is a series of rooms I made for the Queen's consort and advisor, but just before I finished the last requirement of the Incoming Queen I struck Hidden Fun Stone, so no entourage. That long room with the chair at the end is the Queen's Throne Room, and her other rooms are underground along with some tombs.

To the north is the entrance to the Queen's Mines and the Small Temple of Armok, which contains some holding cells for goblin prisoners about to die (empty now, since the goblins stopped sieging me a while back; I've been trying to provoke the elves and humans, but no success yet).

There's some other compounds to the north, which I'll entail seperately. - Untelligent

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2010-04-04

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Submitted by: ClsfdKidd - 2010-02-25 to 87 Late Winter

I know I shouldn't, but I love your square spiral staircase! It's simple, cool, and I should have thought of it a long time ago.

For a moment, it was slightly disturbing to see all those tombs, and yet no bedrooms. What kind of death hole is this?

Kudos to you for hollowing out that entire south hill. Nice work. Also, nice mural on level 20. :)

Submitted by: Retro - 2010-03-31 to 89 Mid Winter

Terrific fortress Untelligent! Do you plan on adding more POIs later? I can tell there's more interesting stuff around, but it's hard to find everything on a map of this size.

...nevermind, you did while I was posting this apparently :P

[Message edited on 2010/03/31 at 02:19 by Retro]

Submitted by: Untelligent - 2010-04-04 to 89 Mid Winter

Fortress Overview:


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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2010-03/untelligent-Tunnelwound-region1-89-34386.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
