Frostbridged - 306 Early Spring by Demonic Spoon

Map Description:

Another year has passed. Only a few more days left before the new version comes out, I hope I get all the stuff I wanted to do done. Didn't do as much as I would have liked this year, though the smelting of ores is coming along nicely. The Dungeon Master arrived this year. Soon after all the creatures on my map starting popping babies like crazy. After consulting the raws I realised what I had done wrong, I had put in pet_exotic in the creatures I wanted to let breed instead of pet. The troglodytes are happily popping out more babies as are the lizardwoman but so far sadly no giant batlings.

Point of Interest: UG River Canal System

Currently busy being floored over to prevent the growth of towercaps and subsequent blockages. - Demonic Spoon

There are 6 comments for this map series, last post 2010-03-30

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Submitted by: crash2455 - 2010-03-08 to 303 Early Spring

I'd wanna see this map continue just to see how crazy the pillar of history gets. Knowing the game, it will probably consist of:
-Founding of Frostbridges
-First leader of Frostbridges
-Artifacts made in the fort
-Finding the HFS
-The guy who engraved any of the top things (lol recursion)

Maybe you'll get lucky and get a cool one, though.

Submitted by: Demonic Spoon - 2010-03-24 to 305 Early Spring

In reply to your wagon and doors Points of interest crash. I'm planning to make a museum type thing for the wagon, a history of the founding of the fortress etc etc. As to the door I just like doors and place as many of them as a I can, the happy thoughts are just a side benefit.

[Message edited on 2010/03/24 at 01:10 by Demonic Spoon]

Submitted by: Wraithsight - 2010-03-25 to 305 Early Spring

A comment on your "Aqueduct to be" POI.

...Yeah water is almost completely ineffective against the clowns. Either they evaporate it or can swim through it. Only the hentai clowns can drown.

Submitted by: Demonic Spoon - 2010-03-25 to 305 Early Spring

Oh yeah, I forgot about that horrible feature of the clowns, I guess instead of flooding their funhouse I'll just make a nice waterfall into the red pit of endless clowns for the future royal quarters I'm planning on placing there once the clowns have been evicted for crimes against dwarfanity.

Submitted by: crash2455 - 2010-03-30 to 306 Early Spring

You know, I'm sorta surprised that you still have just a line of cage traps defending your fortress. You seem like the kind of person that would build a ridiculous (and probably very messy) fortress defense system.

Submitted by: Demonic Spoon - 2010-03-30 to 306 Early Spring

That'll be coming later, I need more bauxite, :D .

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