Steppecastles - 1058 Late Spring by Lightning4

Map Description:

Another update from Steppecastles!

The fortress chasm-shaft is mostly complete with bars to protect dwarves and denote fortress level. Magma smelting fully operational. And to top it off, a bronze colossus came last year, only to get owned by a goblin siege... and moments before this export, a dragon came, stopped where it is in the trade depot, and sat there. I was scared and set my entire military on full alert, ready for the dragon to charge the entrance. He would not come, so I set a marksdwarf on the ledge above. With one single shot, the dwarf nailed both lungs and the heart. Anticlimactic but awesome nonetheless.
The shop room is complete. Massive shopping center, the best for my dwarves!

Point of Interest: Sterling Silver Level - 7

No bars for this one yet as the shaft ends here.

Only the well-room is here so far. - Lightning4

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2008-01-03

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Submitted by: thatguyyaknow - 2007-11-11 to 1053 Early Autumn

Looking good so far, if you want to avoid dwarves drowning set all the pools as restricted traffic areas, then they'll go around.

Submitted by: Markavian` - 2007-11-11 to 1053 Early Autumn

That's a cool layout, I like the diamon rooms, its a pitty you didn't put an arched ceiling on the floor above as well, but maybe thats a waste of space. I like the spacing between the different areas, the lightshaft idea is good as well.

Submitted by: Lightning4 - 2007-11-11 to 1053 Early Autumn

Yeah, thatguy, I already did that. Don't want any more dwarves getting the same fate :P

Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-01-03 to 1062 Mid Spring

Its masterful work so far, with excellent attention to detail on each of the floors. Those lucky dwarves :). The open shaft leading down through the fort is a noteable feature.

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