Bladeshoots - 209 Early Spring by Ashery

Map Description:

God damn, what a year.

Notable deaths:
A woodcutter and her baby died during another ambush where the dwarf was surrounded from the start and couldn't escape.

A low level blacksmith that died from injuries suffered during some dwarven justice. Fucking mayor and his adamantine demands. Not sure why the jail wasn't used, either.

A low level jeweler that was employed as a mason (for wall construction purposes only) became melancholy after a failed mood despite requiring only one material and obtaining it immediately. I guess I must've accidentally forbidden the gem before he finished. Anyways, the amusing part here is how he died. You know the catacombs entrance? He jumped down all thirteen levels. His leg ended up bouncing up at least six levels before returning to the bottom.

One that's not quite a death, but during a different ambush, a baby suffered some major injuries (mangled head, several other broken limbs) while the parent fled for her life. Later on, the parent must've been the one that revealed a thief or something as the baby ended losing her left arm...from the shoulder down. Needless to say, after becoming a child, she immediately fell unconscious and was taken to a bed to recover.

Notable events:
The magma moat is finally being filled. Took far too long, however, due to the poor design I used for my original magma duct. Needless to say, it's great being able to see a finalized piece of the fortress.

A siege of around sixty goblins finally came in mid-winter. Was about time, too, as my iron supply was incredibly low and I won't be doing any exploratory mining for a while. The only major wound from the siege was one of my champions with a prior nerve wound ended up losing an eye to the crossbow goblins.

The queen finally arrived with the mid-spring immigrant wave. She arrived without a husband, but that's for the best as my temporary noble level is running out of room. Still at least eight levels before I'm able to build the final noble level, though :

And Endok, once again, gave birth. Her total count is up to nine total with seven currently living.

The PoI's have some other info.

Point of Interest: "Temporary" moat feed.

Thank god I installed it. Otherwise the moat would've never been filled...

Not really fond of how it looks, but it'll be removed eventually...

The feed is currently off as I really needed to get back to obsidian production but I'll likely turn it on a couple times throughout the year to try and finish filling it. - Ashery

There are 20 comments for this map series, last post 2010-12-07

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Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2009-01-03 to 204 Early Spring

Nice design. I hope you finish it soon.

Your obsidian farm looks dangerous, I don't think its up to DOSHA (dwarven Occupational safety and health administration) standards

Submitted by: Ashery - 2009-01-03 to 204 Early Spring

I've had a couple minor issues, but as I'm using "Restricted" pathing for the bottom level, dwarves rarely walk down into the pit unless they're picking up raw obsidian.

I've had a couple dwarves sidestep into the pit in order to avoid going prone, but even when that happened during a refill, the dwarf got out in time (There were two adjacent tiles with magma at the time).

Pets, however, ignore the designation... I just have to hope a cat wanders into the pit.

[Message edited on 2009/01/03 at 07:33 by Ashery]

Submitted by: Ashery - 2009-01-03 to 204 Early Spring

Just had my first injury with the obsidian farms...A mangled left foot from someone who sidestepped into the pit as it was filling.

Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2009-01-03 to 204 Early Spring

I'm afraid that we are gonna hafta shut your farm down due to safety concerns. You get two weeks to get it up to code and get your act together. If you don't comply we're not hesitant to bulldoze your cruel and usual death trap.

Submitted by: Ashery - 2009-01-03 to 204 Early Spring

Do I need to add that, thanks to a careless oversight, I completely flooded my east farm and had to seal it off completely for the time being? ;p

Had to cut off the river supply at the source (I neglected to install any backup control systems on my main level) so will have to wait an incredibly long time for it to drain into the chasm so that I can clear out the flooded farm.

Submitted by: Unbeltedsundew - 2009-01-04 to 204 Early Spring

Your fort is already looking pretty fantastic, cant wait to see it further along.

I find that with plumbing I often spend 10 times longer fixing my mistakes and draining it then it took to build in the first place. Its teaching me to be even more meticulous in the initial stages.

Submitted by: Ashery - 2009-01-04 to 204 Early Spring

The only thing I wish I had added earlier is a bridge right before the fork in the water supply to my farms...That would've allowed me to cut off the feed and quickly drain the flooded part of my farm into my eventual cistern.

Ah well, fixing one's screw ups is one of the joys of DF, XD

Submitted by: syhr - 2009-01-05 to 204 Early Spring

can you please explain the pump system you used for all that water because it seems very space efficient although i cant figure out how you did it because of your tileset

Submitted by: Qjet - 2009-08-13 to 207 Early Spring


Pump system

Submitted by: starcannon - 2009-10-30 to 207 Early Spring

Holy cow. How is that you accomplished so much, in so little time??

Submitted by: Ashery - 2010-01-03 to 207 Early Spring

Excessive micromanagement, heh.

Which, amusingly enough, is also why I burn out on the game after only a few years and take an extended break from DF.

Considering taking it up again, but with the new release coming soon I might just start anew with that.

Submitted by: ajr_ - 2010-02-05 - Removed

Submitted by: ajr_ - 2010-02-05 to 208 Early Spring

I can't believe this was built in only 7 years but it looks true. Just amazing work. ++++dwarf karma

Submitted by: ClsfdKidd - 2010-02-05 to 208 Early Spring

Holy crap yes! This fortress looks amazing!

There is so much to love here. Great work!

Submitted by: Demonic Spoon - 2010-03-02 to 212 Early Spring

Lovely map, especially the sandy bit near the magma pipe.

Gorgeous fortress, love it. Awesome design, really, really nice.

Submitted by: Vermadus - 2010-03-05 to 213 Early Spring

Oh wow, this design is brilliant. I'm suprised you did all this with such a tiny obsidian farm though. Nice work!

Submitted by: Ashery - 2010-03-05 to 213 Early Spring

Thanks, and while there are definitely changes I'd make to my magma duct/farm design, the size of the farm is not one of them.

Yea, it's a pain to do a couple new batches every month, but it's efficient as all hell for my dwarves. My masons just grab the obsidian right from the farm and, once they run out, they spend a bit of time helping construct the tower while I produce another batch.

[Message edited on 2010/03/05 at 10:39 by Ashery]

Submitted by: Retro - 2010-03-31 to 213 Mid Winter

Oh my XD It looks like you've run into a little bit of trouble. hopefully it won't put the fort's finish date too far back. Bladeshoots continues to looks better and better.

Submitted by: Stromko - 2010-04-02 to 214 Early Spring

That is a work of art and dedication. I'm bookmarking this for inspiration. Even though I don't think I have the patience to work out such a steadfastly fractal design I admire it immensely.

Submitted by: Markavian - 2010-04-02 to 214 Early Spring

Dwarves build the best towers

Submitted by: Eric Blank - 2010-12-07 to 214 Early Spring

I love this! Very beautiful design, a grand role model for us all.

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