Dance of Spears - 450 Mid Summer by RedWick

Map Description:

63 dwarves. Fortress wealth is sitting at around 469k. I have more food and drink than I really know what to do with. I haven't grown anything of my own in, really, the past two years.

Nothing major going on. Just business as usual. I'll point out the latest developments via the points of interest.

Point of Interest: Southern Guard Tower

Just putting the last touches on it. Needs a top-level floor, and the fortifications. It's sitting at about 5 or 6 z-levels above the ground, which is more than adequate to handle any would-be invaders from the south. The barracks are 7 levels down, but have pretty much a direct set of stairs leading up to the top. - RedWick

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2009-12-16

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Submitted by: ajr_ - 2009-12-16 to 449 Early Summer

RedWick I love the way you're not ruining my eyes with secondary graphic tilesets. Yes, and the courtyard is the coolest thing yet today. Og my hosh, those farms are just pretty! Looks like glass but I guess it's just microcline because I use a mod in which I can't make anything out of microcline (it's like nuclear waste, won't melt in magma either)

And then to the magma! I suggest you just be very dwarvenly and burn down the jungle! It looks cool! Presuming you have magma to pump on the forest. Also, alcohol is a cool thing to blow up in a magma pit! Else it's pretty useless.

Submitted by: RedWick - 2009-12-16 to 449 Early Summer

I'm used to the old rogue-likes, so I have a hard time switching over to using a tileset.

As for the farms...I had some miscellaneous microline blocks, and thought it might look interesting. The effect ends up looking like there's a ditch full of water sitting around each farm. I rather like how it looks and I think I'll probably do that sort of thing in future fortresses.

And alas, this map has no magma! In fact, I don't think it has much of anything other than the road running through it. Hehe...

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