Dentedcastle - 465 Early Summer by Andrea

Map Description:

2 years later, tower is grown, few other dwarves died in sieges, fields are producing much more and now they are not cultivated in winter. Dining room is finally finished, and I am having an hard time cleaning the place from goblin stuff. I want to sell fortress made clothing, but these goblins bring so much...

Point of Interest: Dining room

The jewel of the fortress, finally ready. This level and the one above ( in the future also the one below, which at the moment is used only for parties) are dedicated to dwarven meals. It is big enough to host my whle fortress together, and still have much some room left. note that I have 212 dwarves. I am including also the future bottom level, but still I have more space than I will ever need.
Statues are for room value, and the holes are for Visual fortress. It looks really awesome from the inside, which makes me VERY happy. - andrea

There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2009-11-06

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Submitted by: Pkassad - 2009-11-06 to 463 Late Spring

Awesome fortress. I started a new fort and am making a modified layout of your castle. Hopefully I can get a map of it up soon.

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You can download the compressed map file: 2009-12/andrea-Dentedcastle-region1-465-13018.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
