Osor Adel, Kingdom of Water - 207 Early Winter by Tiogshi

Map Description:

A few years on, and the humans and orcs are still sieging me seasonally. The current camp of humans you can see on the surface have been around since the first week of summer, and winter settled almost a month ago.

In terms of fortress progress, I've swiss'd up the whole interior courtyard ("swiss cheesing" is my term for caverning by carving stairs and then channelling them out), smoothed its walls, and have started swissing out over what will eventually be the outer walls. That should show you how high the walls will extend, knowing that the exterior ground level will be shaved down to the courtyard level (the level with only upward stairs, and my forges at the south).

Point of Interest: Tower-Cap Farm

( 207 Early Winter → onwards )

This chamber, and the two below it, were flooded by capping the river and letting it overflow into this side course, and then resuming normal pumping operations. It took a few months for it to dry out, but now we should have a thriving farm in a few seasons. I'll probably set up another, similar farm on the opposite side of the river if this one doesn't bear enough tower-caps for the next few years' needs. - Tiogshi

There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2009-10-14

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Submitted by: ajr_ - 2009-10-14 to 205

Nice underyard.

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