Snarlingtool is a refuge of Romimi Elayeomo, Elf King of dwarves.
Snarlingtool is the place where the Blockade of Fealties will soon rebuild it's weapon industry and raise an army of dwarves. To the lower right is a large crucible for burning trash. - cephalo
There are 7 comments for this map series, last post 2010-10-10
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Submitted by: ClsfdKidd - 2009-11-06 to 261 Late Autumn
Wow. This is both the most perverted thing I have ever seen, as well as the most gorgeous. I wonder if trees will ever grow on the top of that very un-elfish tower.
Submitted by: cephalo - 2009-11-09 to 261 Late Autumn
No, they won't. I was hoping for that, but the rule is that you need soil wall in the Z level below within 2 tiles. It's been like this for 10 years.
Submitted by: Overspeculated - 2009-11-10 to 261 Late Autumn
You should have built it on a map with an underground river, heh, and then maybe gotten some tower caps to grow on the top before clearing the roof. I'm sure that would have worked
Submitted by: Meanmelter - 2010-06-17 to 261 Late Autumn
How did you manage to get that circular hill?
Submitted by: cephalo - 2010-06-22 to 261 Late Autumn
The whole thing is a giant obsidian cast.
Submitted by: plaintext1 - 2010-08-20 to 261 Late Autumn
Incredible! The noble king will certainly be pleased.
It has me wondering though: what version of DF was this fortress made in?
Submitted by: cephalo - 2010-10-10 to 261 Late Autumn
This was made in 40d