Deepsink - 25 Early Spring by Tiogshi

Map Description:

Sited on an island on one of the fantastic archipelago world seeds in this thread.

Five years in, and not a single immigrant or caravan, as expected. Thanks to the fact I'm using the Dig Deeper mod, though, I have bountiful aboveground crops of hemp, eggplant, whip vine, and two kinds of cabbage.

I've modded dwarfs to produce litters to 1 to 3, instead of [MULTIPLE_LITTER_RARE], so I'll have a thriving population in about 20 or 30 years' time, assuming the one married couple start getting busy. I think I'm working them too hard; I reckon I actually need to give them an opportunity to both go to bed at the same time for that to happen. ;)

Point of Interest: Pier

( 25 Early Spring → onwards )

I had to build a pier to find out it would never be used. Ah, well; according to the forums, it seems kind-of hit-and-miss which islands are accessible and which aren't after a pier has been built. I hope Toady has merchant boats planned for the next major revision; just a sort-of ocean-going wagon would be enough.
The sea foam is hiding one of the three statues here at the dockside; one is above, on the archway. - Tiogshi

There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2009-11-11

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Submitted by: SoulSkorpion - 2009-11-11 to 25 Early Spring

Maybe a highway to the mainland a la Venice might be a good megaproject? Could possibly be done the same way as the intercontinental magma pipeline project; no idea if it'd make your island accessible to immigrants, though...

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You can download the compressed map file: 2009-11/tiogshi-Deepsink-region8-25-12.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
