Waxfountain-SGVII - 308 Late Summer by Servu

Map Description:

Sparkgear VII following Servus turn

Point of Interest: The Functional Principlies of the Ice-Water Gnerator

( 308 Late Summer → onwards )

Or IWG for short.
The IWG uses the heat of magma to generate water for a fortress to drink. This is completed in three steps:

1. The Double Layer Randomizer Magma resevoir:
(go down one z-level) This is the power source of the IWG. The resevoir MUST be filled so that the lower floor has 7/7 magma, while the upper one has some independent 1/7s moving around. The 1/7 tiles generate heat in changing patterns to the Melter above, but do not evaporate since there is already magma just below them.

2. The Melter:
(go back up) The Melter is where the the actual water generation takes place. It is currently frozen over since the resevoir below doesn't have the 1/7 stacks running about. When the resevoir is filled right, this area will randomly melt and freeze in a rapid pace (Making it VERY dangerous)

3. The water outtake:
(the two resevoirs to the left) When a part of the Melter melts next to an area that has constant magma heating, the water stack will be halved, so the output area receives up to 3/7 water per melted stack. Since the ice freezes almost right away, the probability of actually losing water from the generator is quite low, since the constant melting and freezing that takes place in the central parts of the Melter tends to always produce full stacks of water.

You can easily achieve a steady water outtake by simply slapping a screw pump on the side of the outtake resevoir. (Remember that in this map's case you will need to heat both the pump and the new water pipe with magma.)

Some dangers:
Firstly the Melter will annihilate anything that drops in. Even though it tends to form a crust of ice on top of the dangerous parts, it's not to be trusted.

After I first started the IWG, it instantly melted and refroze some of my nearby tunnels(you can still see some of the stuff there), so it's strongly advised to keep all personnel away when firing up the first time.

For some reason the machine tends to generate random cave-ins. So even though these are rare, do not keep personnel near the active Melter. (The cave-ins will generate obsidian columns inside the Melter, but these can be easily removed by channeling them out with some (expendable) miners. - Servu

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2009-11-18

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Submitted by: Servu - 2009-11-04 to 308 Late Summer

The battlefield is mostly the drops of the lizardmen who like to swarm the area. Not many dorfs have died outside. But if you look at the bridge right above it, the little stacks there are pretty much all from dead dorfs who were shot while crossing to the forge area.

Submitted by: Danarca - 2009-11-17 to 312 Late Autumn

I hate it and love it at the same time.
Random stockpiles, moats for no reason, holes strewn across the place, workshops on the roofs, if you can call anything there a building, and there's even a goddamn windmill not connected to anything, just sitting on the ground.

Most confusing SG so far?
Or is it just me?

Submitted by: Barbarossa the Seal God - 2009-11-18 to 312 Late Autumn

Oh, not by a long shot. The worst is yet to come. SparkGear 8 is not long in arrival.

(PS: Guess who's hosting it!)

Submitted by: Servu - 2009-11-18 to 312 Late Autumn

What have you done to my precious factory! The Generator! Ruined! All dried up and dead! TREANTS in the offices! Those things don't have the necessary education to run that thing! Completely pointless chambers!

And WHY is my prison full of barrels?!

[Message edited on 2009/11/18 at 03:53 by Servu]

Submitted by: Danarca - 2009-11-24 - Removed

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You can download the compressed map file: 2009-11/danarca-Waxfountain-SGVII turn 4-308-19996.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
