Dentedcastle - 463 Late Spring by Andrea

Map Description:

In the past, i already attempted a tower fort, but never finished it. This time, instead of scaling it down so it is easier, i decided to go the full way and build a whole castle. All fortress walls are marble blocks, while building walls, inner walls and floors use wood blocks.
The whole fort is aboveground and i am trying to shape it like a village, with several areas ( see points of interest). The goal is not only to finish it, but get a king and start a good, working economy and giving a job to each of the 200+ dwarves I have (in 463 I am below that number, due to a small problem involving water, drinks and tantrums)

Point of Interest: Dining room

1 z-level can't be enough, so I use 3! this is the middle one, finished but without furniture. In the nooks in the walls there will be statues, and tables will be all around, in different sizes. In the big holes I will probably put platforms with statues, artifacts or caged animals.
The level above will be like this one, while the level below will have no holes and more statues, animals, whatever.
Such a big castle, needs a big dining room ( and more dwarves to fill it) - andrea

There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2009-11-06

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Submitted by: Pkassad - 2009-11-06 to 463 Late Spring

Awesome fortress. I started a new fort and am making a modified layout of your castle. Hopefully I can get a map of it up soon.

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2009-11/andrea-Dentedcastle-region1-463-8303.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
