Cavepulley - 208 Mid Summer by starcannon

Map Description:

Many sieges and much gobbo slaughering have prompted me to expand the military.
Also, the land bridge is there for a better defense. Directly underneath it is the archer's way, for dealing with gobbos from that direction.
We're closing up the old entrance -- it's in a valley and it's vulnerable.
Added a plethora of traps all round.

Point of Interest: Not so Vulnerable Armory

( 208 Mid Summer → onwards )

With the closing of the old entrance, this armor is now secure. - starcannon

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2009-11-03

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Submitted by: KenboCalrissian - 2009-11-03 to 208 Mid Winter

Interesting bridge concept! I approve. All it needs are some archery targets jutting out from the sides. But you've hardly explored at all underground! Do you know if you have a magma pipe or HFS?

Just curious, what's that pink sand? I've never seen it before.

Submitted by: Quietust - 2009-11-03 to 208 Mid Winter

One trade depot is sufficient - in fact, building more than one tends to make caravans behave strangely.

Also, I second the question about the purple sand.

Submitted by: starcannon - 2009-11-03 to 208 Mid Winter

Purple sand is something in the raws I added in.There is also blue sand.

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