Cavepulley - 208 Mid Summer by starcannon

Map Description:

Many sieges and much gobbo slaughering have prompted me to expand the military.
Also, the land bridge is there for a better defense. Directly underneath it is the archer's way, for dealing with gobbos from that direction.
We're closing up the old entrance -- it's in a valley and it's vulnerable.
Added a plethora of traps all round.

Point of Interest: Trap Valley

Gobbos aren't too bright. I've noticed them going through this exact same spot several times. So, the last siege that happened this past spring, they encountered some traps. And died. All o f t h e m. - starcannon

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2009-11-03

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Submitted by: KenboCalrissian - 2009-11-03 to 208 Mid Winter

Interesting bridge concept! I approve. All it needs are some archery targets jutting out from the sides. But you've hardly explored at all underground! Do you know if you have a magma pipe or HFS?

Just curious, what's that pink sand? I've never seen it before.

Submitted by: Quietust - 2009-11-03 to 208 Mid Winter

One trade depot is sufficient - in fact, building more than one tends to make caravans behave strangely.

Also, I second the question about the purple sand.

Submitted by: starcannon - 2009-11-03 to 208 Mid Winter

Purple sand is something in the raws I added in.There is also blue sand.

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You can download the compressed map file: 2009-11/starcannon-Cavepulley-region1-208-13810.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
