Last Log made of the fortress Orbsbristle. Well I will never understand the cheif, we cam here with big dreams and a means to achive them but we havent been here for even a year and already we have had to abandon our fort. cheif kept mumbling about ef-pee-ess or something and about how turning of tempreture and weather off didnt help he said somethign about gee-ef-pee-es being set to low too. still fnd enclosed the map of Orbsbristle as we left it.
These are fortifications everything else is 1 square bridges over channels to prevent mud spreading - thatguyyaknow
There are 6 comments for this map series, last post 2007-11-15
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Submitted by: Gaulgath - 2007-11-12 to 1051 Late Winter
That is an absolutely monstrous river. :O
Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-11-12 to 1051 Late Winter
Gau, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WAS GOING TO SAY. (/end all caps). Flipping huge river, I wouldn't be suprised if that was causing the fps lag.
Submitted by: thatguyyaknow - 2007-11-13 to 1051 Late Winter
my main defense was based around the big river, and the bridge over it so i kinda needed it, didnt realise just how bad the fps would be
Submitted by: M_Gargantua - 2007-11-13 to 1051 Late Winter
Is that a damn on the waterfall? Did you redirect the river or let it freeze to get to it?
Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-11-14 to 1051 Late Winter
I can't figure it out either, I can only assume they he diverted the river and then walled over the gap once it reached a low enough level.
Submitted by: thatguyyaknow - 2007-11-15 to 1051 Late Winter
I damned up the river and re-directed it through my fort the first wall peice was while it as frozen but the others were just done by repeatedly unsuspending them, the aim was to create a waterfall running through my base for both the dwarf happy thoughts and the me happy thoughts
[Message edited on 2007/11/15 at 08:38 by thatguyyaknow]