Wasprag - 56 Late Autumn by Quietust

Map Description:

The pyramid has finally been completed, and the magma pipeline has been sealed and connected; now the slow process of filling it has begun. I've already drained the magma pipe down to the base of the pump stack, and only 6 Z-levels of the pyramid are filled. This may take a while...

Additional walls were built around the entrance bridge to further protect it from any magmafall-related damage. The walls surrounding the garbage dump have also been replaced with obsidian blocks, and doors have been built in all of the gaps with a lever to seal the inner ones (so large numbers of corpses can be forced to rot completely before harvesting the bones and skulls).

The Elves brought me a male black bear and grizzly bear, a perfect match for the females they brought me nearly a decade ago, and they've been breeding happily. Feeling a bit adventurous, I also placed some cage traps in the mountains and caught breeding pairs of mountain goats and hoary marmots. I'll probably need to allocate more stockpile space for all of the meat and leather they'll generate, though at least it'll be something to do while I wait for the magma pipe to refill.

I've also decided to put my Administrator to work designing several hundred stone pillars to train her to be a better Architect.

Point of Interest: The Pyramid

Construction is complete - now all I need to do is fill it up. Not surprisingly, there's a lot of space inside a 23 Z-level pyramid, and 13 Z-levels (the pump stack doesn't go all the way to the bottom) worth of magma pipe are nowhere near enough to fill it up in one shot. - Quietust

There are 7 comments for this map series, last post 2009-11-02

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Submitted by: Durin - 2009-09-12 to 42 Early Summer


Submitted by: Servu - 2009-09-15 to 46 Early Spring

Holy crap thats cool. How are you gonna get all that magma there? construct a big pumping tower?

Submitted by: Quietust - 2009-09-15 to 46 Early Spring

I'll build a pump tower extending all the way to the top of the map, then direct its output into a tube that goes down to ground level, through a short tunnel, and into an opening at the bottom of the pyramid. Pump pressure should allow it to fill all the way to the top.

Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-09-27 to 58 Early Winter

Needs more points of interest!
Holy-crap that pyramid is awesome.

Submitted by: Caranha - 2009-09-28 to 59 Early Winter

That's a fantastic fortress. Do the fortifications in the tower cap farm actually drain water?

Submitted by: Quietust - 2009-09-28 to 59 Early Winter

Absolutely - in fact, that's exactly why I built them.

Submitted by: Obsidian - 2009-11-02 to 75 Mid Spring

Sweet jesus this is epic.

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