Mid-Winter finally brought our first marriage between Lokum Storlutcatten and Domas Zulbathathur. Now that love is in the air, I am hopeful our population will rise past our initial 7.
( 84 Early Spring → onwards )
This is the keep portion of the fortress, with a curtain wall around the courtyard to the west. - Aristoi
There are 6 comments for this map series, last post 2009-09-11
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You can download the compressed map file:
but you will need the .NET version of
SL's DF Map Compressor
to convert to the .PNG image format.
Submitted by: NevrGivUp - 2009-09-08 to 82 Early Spring
Since there is no land touching the edges, there will be no visitors.
Also, I'd love to get the worldgen params for this!
Submitted by: Aristoi - 2009-09-10 to 82 Early Spring
@NevrGivUp: If I build a bridge to the edge will they start to visit? Or do I have to do the abandon/reclaim thing until I build the bridge to land?
Re the worldgen params:
Let me know if you put a fortress up, I'd love to see it.
Submitted by: NevrGivUp - 2009-09-10 to 83 Early Spring
@Aristoi: I don't know about the bridge and its unlikely i'd build much of a fortress. DF is a great game to imagine playing, but its usually too much for me.
Submitted by: Aristoi - 2009-09-10 to 83 Early Spring
@NevrGivUp: I didn't mean anything grand by "fortress". I'd just be interested in seeing what you do with the same island I'm on is all....
Submitted by: ajr_ - 2009-09-11 to 84 Early Spring
A like this approach -- Nature bound walls, hexagon interiors. After seeing Pageblend I started to think about it. If dwarves walk square corridors they have to walk one click down and one click to a side if they want to move to an intercardinal direction. In case of honeycomb corridors, or hexagonshape the moving is combined cardinal directions and intercardinal directions. This speeds up the productivity of the fortress, doesn't it?
Submitted by: Aristoi - 2009-09-11 to 84 Early Spring
@ajr_: It really does seem to. They move very quickly and seem to favor the diagonals. Right now there are only 7 of them, though, so I've not worked too hard to maximize production.
If you're interested in the design I found it on the bedroom designs wiki page, called Noble Hive Pods. I have a Quickfort .csv for it if you're looking to save some time.
One added advantage is that all the outer "slots" where I have workshops are just beyond the noise range, too, so no one is disturbed. Now personally I'd be annoyed by all the people cutting through my bedroom, but they don't seem to mind!
[Message edited on 2009/09/11 at 09:44 by Aristoi]