Sparkgear 4 - 207 Late Summer by _nil_

Map Description:

Sparkgear 4 after nil's turn. The year was pretty uneventful other than a couple artifact creations, but the fortress expanded in several ways.

Point of Interest: Main gate

Right now the magma cannon is a little slow and doesn't have much area, I only killed a since orc with it. If you don't use the floodgates, abandon and empty the pillboxes (you don't want to loose all the bone bolts in there) and make some sort of blockage and/or drainage for the secondary entrance path it may be more effective, although it probably needs some sort of reservoir as well.

You'll also need to repair the stuff pointed out in the POI "Repair this!" - _nil_

There are 5 comments for this map series, last post 2009-08-28

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Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-08-06 to 206 Early Summer

Why is there a huge area hollowed out under the mountain?

Submitted by: _nil_ - 2009-08-06 to 207 Late Summer

One of the earlier players was going to build a big temple in there, but I guess he was interrupted by orcs or a tandrum spiral or something and lost the fort. One or two reclaims later and its just another entry in Sparkgear's long tradition of "half-built and/or looted vanity projects that dwarves never use and other players just build around."

Submitted by: Nahkh_ - 2009-08-07 to 207 Late Summer

Yeah. What he said.

Submitted by: kein - 2009-08-16 to 211 Late Summer

Pretty cool how huge that miasma is you can see it from the side view well. I'd like to see this in Visual Fortress.

Submitted by: skaltum - 2009-08-28 to 214 Early Spring

*shoots a hole in the magmarine* anyways good job guys

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2009-08/_nil_-Gear of Sparks-SparkGear4 Aug5-6-207-19934.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
