To begin, I apologize for the fact that this fortress is now some 37 z-levels tall. Dorfen engineers favour thinking big [we assure you, it's not compensation for *anything*].
7 and a half years have passed since the last update, and this fortress is now coming into maturity. Many inner workings of it are starting to take shape, as well as some of the more 'questionable' design decisions.
Current highlights:
-Reservoir [as per last update] functions perfectly, liberating hippy traders of their goods on many occasions.
-Internal farms are now at maximum production, and have been cranking out more than sufficient quantities of food and alcohol. Everyone is pleased.
-The main vault, located on z-level 0 is now filled and, in peculiar dorfen fasion, at the most inaccessible part of the fortress.
-The external water jacket is now filled, as you can likely
-Tower Cap farms are now in full production, though were only finished about 8 months preceding this, so most trees are not to a harvestable state yet.
Let's just say... it involves glass... and large numbers of waterfalls... and a lake...
Current population: 124
Casualties to date: 173 poor souls. May they rest eternally in peace within these fortress walls.
[Yeah... that's a bit embarrassing, I suppose.]
( 217 Late Summer → 299 )
Our poor city manger seems to have a clothes-shopping addiction and she'll head off to the furthest reaches of this region to pick up (narrow) socks, robes and clothes of any sort.
Because, remember kids:
Being a manager is hard, let's go shopping! - azemute
There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2009-08-03
Defini Iwethi "Frost Walls"
No related entries found.
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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file:
2009-08/azemute-Frostwalls-Defini Iwethi-217-19896.fdf-map
but you will need the .NET version of
SL's DF Map Compressor
to convert to the .PNG image format.
Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2009-07-30 to 210 Early Winter
Beautiful fortress design. I love the symmetry, and the gadgetry involved in the defense system.
One question -- are your living quarters far enough from your manufacturing to avoid noise pollution?
Submitted by: azemute - 2009-08-03 to 210 Early Winter
Actually, being that the living quarters are buffered by storage areas, no one has complained at all... even those right beside the main stairwells.
I'm going to upload a new copy tonight or tomorrow for year 219 or 220 since there have been some major additions.