Things are moving along relatively well. Next short term goal is to set out and find the magma and underground water sources.
I've discovered a fondness for plant processing and milling, something which I usually put off for several years at the beginning of new fortresses. Syrup and flour are good.
And, really ... given the random name I went with this time, maybe syrup production should be job number one at all points in time. - apparentbliss
There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2009-08-04
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Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2009-07-31 to 253 Mid Autumn
This time around I'm trying to keep an eye on migrants so I have some idea what to expect in the future.
253 Mid Spring: 7->28; 50k wealth.
253 Late Summer: 28->36; 170k wealth.
253 Mid Autumn: 36->44; 210k wealth.
??? (I missed a wave or two)
254 Late Autumn: 68->75, 683k wealth
... and now I'm not keeping track at all. Population in winter 255 is 96.
[Message edited on 2009/08/01 at 10:23 by apparentbliss]
Submitted by: Leggomygreggo - 2009-07-31 to 253 Mid Autumn
I like the exterior defenses. My only comment is that I'm not sure how well your stockpile sizes are going to scale while maintaining easy efficient access. But then again, by that point you'll have many more haulers so it won't matter.
Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2009-08-01 to 253 Mid Autumn
As far as stockpiles go, mostly it's only furniture, food, and finished goods that needs expansion, and there is plenty of room to add large stockpiles in the "central pillar." Those, combined with some small workshop-side stockpiles, and a glut of haulers, means that I don't have to handle the stockpiles with any particular slyness. The other thing is that, with the stacked z-levels structure like this, a stockpile at -10 depth is only 9 tiles away, or what have you.
[Message edited on 2009/08/01 at 07:37 by apparentbliss]
Submitted by: azemute - 2009-08-04 to 255 Mid Winter
Loom near cave spiders makes complete sense, it worries me that I'd never considered internal silk harvesting before now.
*adds to to-do list*