I'm getting frustrated with a couple planning decisions made on this fortress.
A) The way I've tapped into the underground river was not terribly wise. The channel / pool near the dining islands is filling far too slowly for my taste, and I will likely have to dig a whole new water feed.
B) I have *way* too many animals. Next fortress, I will be much more careful about limiting animal population and slaughtering earlier.
C) My defensible-entrance is turning out not to be as defensible as I like, mostly due to semi-stupid AI. That being said, it's my job to design around the AI, right?
All that said, I am reasonably happy with the way the fortress is running -- almost all dwarves are ecstatic, I have two full squads of soldiers who are legendary wrestlers and masters with their chosen weapons, and I have enough food and drink to survive for years even if all my fields suddenly dried up and died. As per usual, though, my tolerance for minor errors is low, and I'll probably move on to a new fortress soon.
The room is filled with spike traps. I haven't tested it out yet. Pets can be "inserted" into the room either via cage or pit (see z-layer above). - apparentbliss
There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2009-07-29
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Submitted by: Murray - 2009-07-28 to 205 Early Autumn
If you tie a dog at the end of the death trap, goblins should still path down it if you forbid the door?
Submitted by: apparentbliss - 2009-07-29 to 205 Early Autumn
I can try that out. IIRC I constructed that door at the end of the hallway immediately *after* the raid, when I saw what the civilians were doing. I didn't realize that putting a forbidden door would make the goblins path differently -- it's the only entrance to the fortress, so I just assumed they would come down that way regardless.
[Message edited on 2009/07/29 at 02:21 by apparentbliss]