Dwarf Masters 1 - Rivercross year 5 map
( 1001 → onwards )
This bauxite bridge holds the trade depot at its center. Elevated one level above the river, the bridge permits ship traffic beneath. Stairs lead to the warehouse level for trader convenience.
6 full fortress levels were constructed above the depot, forming the bulk of the fortress, with two naturally excavated towers providing structural support. The roof is used for bulk storage and the top of the towers is still natural soil to provide for a protected tree/outdoor farm area. - martin
There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2009-07-23
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Submitted by: Meta - 2009-07-19 to 1005 Early Spring
Wow! This entire fortress is insane! :)
Submitted by: Solifuge - 2009-07-22 to 1006 Mid Spring
Frankly, I am floored by the design of this fortress. You are clearly a master of terrain deformation, and have made an aesthetically beautiful, unique, and highly defensible fortress layout.
Suffice it to say: Holy shit.
Submitted by: wblueskylives - 2009-07-23 to 1006 Mid Spring
Now THAT is how you cross a river. Well done!