My entry is up. I have designed my fort around the idea of dwarves living on one side of the river and working on the other.
The five projects are as follows:
1 Bauxite Bridge, not exactly very interesting but it does go through a nice waterfall to keep the dwarfs happy and clean.
2 Circular tower, 13 stories high and has a flood system to drown any enemies who want to approach my fort from this side of the river.
3 Circular living area, The area from the first layer of bedrooms down through a legendary 2 story dining area ending at the bottom z-level with the dwarven crypts. Keeps with the circular theme of the above tower.
4 Dwarven steam paddler and dock, The steam powered boat ready to set sail into the river (If you can use your imagination a little.) It even has an engine boiler with improvised waterwheel as turbine and two ballista. The boat was supposed to be all wood with stone chimney but I didn't have enough time so I had to use some schist which has the same color as wood. Still over 200 blocks of wood in there though.
5 Workshop side, The work/farm area for the dwarves defended by a 3 z-level high wall. Also include the road and trade depot in this project.
Can rise so that if the paddle steamer ever leaves port, it can pass under the bridge. Also building it under the waterfall has worked perfectly. Washing my dwarves and giving them happy thoughts. - A_Fey_Dwarf
There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2009-07-14
AFD's Rivercross entry
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Submitted by: Meta - 2009-07-14 to 1005 Early Spring
The tower is really great and the steamer is a good idea.
I don't like the defended workshop area. An underground one may have looked better.
Why didn't you continue the road on the other side? It could have been great.
Submitted by: crash2455 - 2009-07-14 to 1005 Early Spring
Yeah, that paddle steamer's really cool. You should post a 3Dwarf image.